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Ceiling Lighting
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    Ceiling Lighting

    Ceiling Lighting

    Ceiling lighting is an essential element for homes and even enclosed spaces. Among the lighting products for homes, chandeliers are the most prominent. Chandelier selection in the most frequently used area in homes, the living room, is given extra importance. While modern chandelier models have made their mark in recent years, classic models continue to maintain their place. Pendant chandelier models are especially preferred frequently. There are many factors that shape the choice of living room chandeliers. Among them, the size of the area, decoration, colors, and your style play an important role. Before getting lost in the wide range of chandelier types, if you can decisively determine what you want, you will have overcome the challenging part. Of course, beautifully designed chandelier models will confuse you. Ceiling lighting products create depth in spaces by providing a dim effect sometimes and a bright atmosphere sometimes. Ceiling lighting products vary in models according to different styles and needs. Some common chandelier models are as follows:

    • Ceiling chandeliers: These are quite magnificent models usually made of crystal, glass, or metal materials.
    • Ceiling spotlights: Models that can be used singly or multiply, with the ability to change direction.
    • Ceiling lamps: Ceiling lighting products that have a wide light spread, generally have a modern appearance. They are also called single chandeliers.
    • Pendant lights: Models consisting of decorative lamps with a single light source hanging from the ceiling.
    • Suspended ceiling lights: Flat and stylishly designed lamps, often preferred in offices and workplaces, providing light to a large area.
    • LED panel lights: Models developed with LED technology that illuminate a wide surface, offering an economic option with low energy consumption.
    • Children's room ceiling lights: Ceiling lighting products specially designed for children's rooms with colorful and cute designs that will attract children's attention.

    How to Install Ceiling Lighting Products?

    Proper installation of living room chandelier models is crucial for efficient use of the products. The following steps will help you to place ceiling lighting products correctly:

    • Start with choosing a model that suits your needs and style. In this selection, the size of the room, ceiling height, the purpose of room usage, and the style of other items are quite important.
    • Choose where you will place the ceiling lighting product. Consider factors such as the size and shape of the area where the lighting product will be placed, lighting level, and direction.
    • Install the ceiling lighting product. The installation process may vary depending on the type and size of the product, and you may need to get support from a professional.
    • Adjust the height of the lighting product. The height of the lighting product is related to the height of the room. The ideal height is determined as 2.5 cm.
    • Ensure that the lighting product is properly adjusted. The lighting product should be installed according to the needs and type of use of the room. For example, a floor lamp installed for reading purposes prefers a higher lighting level, while a lower lighting level is preferred for a dining table.

    What to Consider When Buying Ceiling Lighting Products?

    There are several important points to consider when buying ceiling lighting. These include:

    • Lighting Purposes: Ceiling lighting products can be used for different purposes, which can affect the strength of the light. For example, an office area that will be used for functional lighting can become both more stylish and more practical with lighting products. For this, you need to determine your lighting needs first and select a lighting product that suits them.
    • Size: Ceiling lighting products are produced in different sizes and shapes. For instance, the Milky model sold in Kelebek Furniture lighting products is smaller than the Lidya model. The important thing here is that the lighting product you choose is suitable for the size of the area to be illuminated and matches the overall decoration of the room. When choosing a bedroom chandelier model, you must consider the size of the room. Buying a large ceiling lamp for a small room, or a small lamp for a large room, can disturb the balance of your room.
    • Color: Ceiling lighting products are produced in different colors. If you prefer off-white tones, our recommendation is to choose the Giona model. If you are looking for a product with heavier lines, you can also check out the Piena model. At this stage, what you need to do is to choose a product that matches the colors of your furniture. Kitchen chandeliers generally consist of more colorful models.
    • Bulbs: Bulbs of ceiling lighting products are produced in different types and powers. Here, the important thing is to determine your needs correctly.
    • Installation: Good installation is essential for ceiling lighting products. The installation of the product should be easy and can be easily removed if desired. At this stage, the height of the product should also be determined correctly.
    • Quality: A high-quality ceiling lighting product like Kelebek Furniture lighting products lasts longer and generally performs better.

    The Importance of Lighting in Decoration

    Lighting plays a very important role in the decoration of our homes and in creating an effective atmosphere in our homes. Correct use of lighting can change and enhance the feeling, energy, and functionality of our rooms. Below, you can find some reasons for the importance of lighting in decoration:

    • Sets the Atmosphere of the Room: Lighting is a very important element that sets the atmosphere of the rooms. The choice of lighting determines the effect you want to create in the room. If you are looking for a warm atmosphere, you can use yellow lights, or if you prefer a colder feel, you can choose white lights.
    • Increases Functionality: Lighting has a significant impact on increasing the functionality of a room. For example, the right choice of lighting for workspaces or reading corners is crucial to provide this function.
    • Emphasizes Architectural Features: Lighting can also be preferred to emphasize the architectural features of a room. For instance, ceiling lighting is important in determining the ceiling height.
    • Divides Areas: Lighting can also be used to divide different areas in open-plan homes.
    • Enhances Aesthetic Appearance: Lighting is very important in providing an aesthetic appearance in home decoration. If you choose the right ceiling lighting, you can reveal your furniture, accessories, and decoration styles, and make your home look more stylish.

    You can examine in detail the ceiling lighting models that combine the experience and quality of Kelebek Furniture and select the right product for your home. Chandelier prices may vary depending on the model of the product. You can choose models like Piena, Monema, Cara, Lizbon, Milagro, Konsept, Angelic, Welmont, which carry the quality of Kelebek and are among the most popular. The important thing here is that the lighting product you choose can harmonize with the overall decoration of your room. For example, if silver tones dominate the general decoration of your room, the lighting model you will get must be in these tones or in colors close to these tones. If you pay attention to this rule, a magnificent view will emerge.
